Graduate Certificate in Vocology Online


Gain marketable skills to broaden your career opportunities as a voice professional with our online Graduate Certificate in Vocology.

Apply by: 8/7/25
Start class: 8/21/25

Program Overview

Expand your professional opportunities with the online Graduate Certificate in Vocology

Vocology is the study and practice of voice habilitation. The Vocology Certificate at Lamar University provides cutting-edge theoretical and practical knowledge while giving you a more marketable skillset. The Vocology Certificate has wide-ranging benefits if you are looking to improve your professional opportunities, such as tenure in a university setting or as a speech pathologist.

This vocology program is the only one of its kind online. The curriculum gives you a strong foundation in acoustics, the anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism, and the ability to analyze and interpret information. The coursework includes essential knowledge about voice production and enables you to be an exceptional collaborator with interdisciplinary professionals.

LU has historically strong programs in music and speech and the hearing sciences, as well as trained faculty specialists. Members of our Vocology faculty are also members of the Pan American Vocology Association.

This online vocology certificate program prepares you to:

  • Become a successful vocologist at the forefront of your field by studying cutting-edge theoretical and applied curriculum
  • Understand foundational knowledge of acoustics, anatomy, and physiology of the vocal mechanism
  • Correlate physiology with auditory perception as you analyze and interpret acoustic and aerodynamic data
  • Connect speech science, speech anatomy and physiology, vocal performance pedagogy, instrumentation, and vocal habilitation through interdisciplinary efforts
  • Apply your knowledge effectively in your own intervention and teaching practices
  • Become a successful vocologist at the forefront of your field by studying cutting-edge theoretical and applied curriculum
  • Understand foundational knowledge of acoustics, anatomy, and physiology of the vocal mechanism
  • Correlate physiology with auditory perception as you analyze and interpret acoustic and aerodynamic data
  • Connect speech science, speech anatomy and physiology, vocal performance pedagogy, instrumentation, and vocal habilitation through interdisciplinary efforts
  • Apply your knowledge effectively in your own intervention and teaching practices

As a graduate of this online vocology certificate program, you will be prepared for career opportunities in:

  • Voice production, vocology, and voice habilitation
  • Interdisciplinary roles in fields including music, teaching, and speech pathology
  • Professional contexts in which you can apply effective voice-related techniques
  • Voice production, vocology, and voice habilitation
  • Interdisciplinary roles in fields including music, teaching, and speech pathology
  • Professional contexts in which you can apply effective voice-related techniques
Total Tuition $6,148*
Duration As few as 12 months
Credit Hours 18

*Distance learning fee is included in the tuition listed

PAVA text logo

Members of our Vocology faculty are also members of the Pan American Vocology Association. PAVA fosters the field of vocology through the creation and development of professional standards and credentials in voice habilitation while promoting the enhancement of established credentials.

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Take advantage of our affordable tuition

The following is the tuition breakdown for students pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Vocology online. Our tuition is affordable and can be paid by the course.

Financial Aid

Ready to get started on your degree program online but need help finding ways to fund your education? We can help you discover student financing sources that include grants, loans and other payment options. Learn more about financial aid here.

Tuition breakdown:

Total Tuition $6,148*
Per Credit Hour $342


Choose the start date that best fits your schedule

Our vocology certificate online features multiple start dates to accommodate your busy schedule. Find the start date that works best for you and apply before the application deadline associated with it.

8 week coursesProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineDocument DeadlinePayment DueLast Class Day
Fall 18/21/258/7/258/7/258/15/2510/7/25

Now enrolling:

Apply Date 8/7/25
Class Starts 8/21/25

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Ready to take the rewarding path toward earning your degree online?


Check out the requirements for the online Graduate Certificate in Vocology

The Graduate Certificate in Vocology online program has specific requirements that applicants must meet to enroll. Please read the admission guidelines to ensure you qualify.

Admission Requirements:

  • Online Application
  • Official Transcripts
  • Bachelor's Degree

  • Submit your application and one-time $25 application fee online
  • Submit transcripts from all colleges/universities you have attended
  • Submit all required supplemental application materials. This includes:
    - Two letters of recommendation
    - A detailed CV
    - A personal statement that can be in a .doc/.pdf format or a video vile/YouTube link that highlights your professional experience and details your professional goals within the field of vocology


Explore the dynamic curriculum for our vocology certificate online

Students are required to complete 18 hours of coursework for the online Vocology Certificate. To learn more about our faculty click here.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This online course addresses basic human communication and swallowing processes. The course includes both formative and summative assessments.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism.
  • Describe respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation as related to modulation of voice.
  • Describe life span changes including pediatric development of the vocal mechanism and aging influences on respiration, phonation, resonance, and articulation.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of variables related to modulation of voice (e.g., acoustic, aerodynamic, perceptual).
  • Identify etiologies and describe characteristics of vocal pathologies (e.g., organic, functional, neurological).
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Speech production is a complex process involving several systems including the neural, respiratory, phonatory, resonatory, and articulatory systems in our body. This online course will deal with the articulatory, phonatory, and resonatory science of speech production.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Recall the anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism.
  • Recognize the relationship between various organs related to speech production.
  • Identify basic principles of physics relevant to speech production.
  • Express the physiological and acoustics aspects of speech production.
  • Express the ability to use technology (software and hardware) to assess specific functions in speech (respiration, phonation, resonance, and articulation) for both clinical and research work
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
Voice evaluation is a process of using subjective and objective tools to evaluate the parameters involved in voice production. This online course will teach students about the parameters and measures of voice production that are critical to understanding laryngeal function during speech and singing.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the tools required for voice analysis.
  • Select the most appropriate instrument for the given vocal condition.
  • Operate the software/hardware to record and analyze voice.
  • Document the quantitative measures given by the method of analysis.
  • Correlate the measures to physiology of voice production.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
Auditory perceptual evaluation of voice during speech and singing enables successful clinical and artistic description of voice parameters. Students in this online course will go through a series of voice samples. Auditory, acoustic, and instrumental analysis of voice samples with correlation to physiological basis of voice production will enable students to develop ear training.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify voice samples as hoarse, breathy, harsh, and other variations related to pitch, loudness, and quality.
  • Recognize pitch of singing voice samples and assess voice quality.
  • Identify basic measures of voice that will be affected.
  • Express the physiological and acoustics aspects of speech and singing.
  • Express the ability to use technology (software and hardware) to correlate auditory perception to physiology.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This online course will review theoretical aspects of teaching the singing/acting voice. The material presented in this course will prepare the student in the understanding and application of the language used by teachers of singing.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify stages of vocal development and establish Fach.
  • Evaluate and assess a singing student.
  • Select goals for a singing student.
  • Plan a voice lesson with technical exercises and a rationale for their application.
  • Translate abstract images into precise anatomical and physiological language.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This online course includes an overview of the research, resources, and history of vocology. Students in this course will read and review books and articles written by principle exponents of the field. By the end of this course the student will develop an understanding of the evolution of vocology, the underlying principles and philosophies of the subject, and recognize important exponents and professional organizations associated with the field.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate critical knowledge of the literature pertaining to vocology.
  • Read and discuss literature germane to the field.
  • Demonstrate an ability to analyze and synthesize salient concepts in literature pertaining to vocology.
  • Recognize the role and qualifications of professionals and professional organizations associated with vocology.
  • Recognize journals that publish current research in the field.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This online course will review basic voice disorders and demonstrate current principles of voice therapy and vocology. Empirical data of evidence-based approaches will be analyzed to understand the efficacy of these approaches.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • List common voice disorders.
  • Describe the physiology of vocal function in typical and atypical voice.
  • Identify artistic and evidence-based approaches to voice therapy.
  • Select the most appropriate therapeutic approach for the given vocal condition.
  • Demonstrate the steps related to specific voice therapy techniques.
  • Identify prognostic indicators in vocal habilitation.
  • Identify high-risk populations (e.g., professionals such as teachers, singers, actors, lawyers, persons with hearing loss) and their specialized needs.
  • Recognize the needs of specific and culturally diverse populations (e.g., transgender, transsexual, mutational falsetto).
  • Identify techniques for prevention of voice disorders and promotion of vocal wellness (e.g., vocal hygiene, avoiding phono trauma).
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This online course will allow students to apply principles of anatomy, physiology, pedagogy, and literature to the habilitation of the performing voice.  Students will be provided with applicable tools and resources to aid them in their professional endeavors.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate critical listening skills and precise vocabulary through adjudication exercises.
  • Demonstrate singing voice principles of voice production, posture, yoga, and implementation of those principles into voice habilitation.
  • Demonstrate accurate and concise pedagogical language through a short, in-class “lesson”.
  • Understand the scope and limit of a singing voice specialist.
  • Demonstrate how to help others find their ideal singing voice and maximize healthy control.
  • Understand the differences and similarities of vocal style in various genres.
  • Complete a performing voice evaluation and identify artistic and evidence-based approaches to singing voice habilitation.

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Or call 866-223-7675 866-223-7675

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