Master of Public Health Online


Learn to improve the well-being and health of large populations with an online MPH. This unique program focuses on solutions to chronic health issues that disproportionately affect low socioeconomic populations.

Apply by: 5/8/25
Start class: 5/29/25

Program Overview

Learn what our online Master of Public Health can do for you

The Lamar University Master of Public Health online program can empower you to provide solutions that improve quality of life through a blending of public policy, research and population health sciences. This unique program focuses on solutions to chronic health issues that affect low socioeconomic populations.

This accelerated program gives you the tools to create and implement health programs, develop public health policy, and understand research methods used in community public health.

Coursework includes an understanding of program development and implementation, including data collection methods, decision-making and problem-solving techniques. An exploration of the challenges to health—including a scientific understanding of causes of, and possible approaches to control, major environmental health problems—is also included. You will learn procedures for program administration and interpreting public health programs for individuals and groups from a diverse perspective.

In the Capstone course, you will choose an area of interest in public health, define and study the problem, collect and analyze the data, indicate your findings and discuss implications and potential solutions for future practice or research.

Possible career outcomes for an MPH graduate:

  • Healthcare Policy Analyst
  • Public Health Educator
  • Public Health Research Analyst
  • Public Health Policy Coordinator
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Healthcare Nonprofit Manager
  • Healthcare Policy Analyst
  • Public Health Educator
  • Public Health Research Analyst
  • Public Health Policy Coordinator
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Healthcare Nonprofit Manager
Total Tuition $14,367*
Duration As few as 24 months
Credit Hours 42

*Distance learning fee is included in the tuition listed


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Choosing our MPH online program is cost-effective

The following is the tuition breakdown for students pursuing a Master of Public Health online. Our tuition is affordable and can be paid by the course.

Financial Aid

Ready to get started on your degree program online, but need help finding ways to fund your education? We can help you discover student financing sources that include grants, loans and other payment options. Learn more about financial aid here.

Tuition breakdown:

Total Tuition $14,367*
Per Credit Hour $342


View the upcoming dates and deadlines for Lamar University

Our Master of Public Health online program features multiple start dates to accommodate your busy schedule. Find the start date that works best for you and apply before the application deadline associated with it.

8 week coursesProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineDocument DeadlinePayment DueLast Class Day
Spring II3/17/252/24/253/3/253/10/255/7/25
Summer I5/29/255/8/255/15/255/20/257/31/25
Fall 18/21/258/7/258/7/258/15/25
Fall 29/29/259/15/259/15/259/23/25

Now enrolling:

Apply Date 5/8/25
Class Starts 5/29/25

Have questions or need more information about our online programs?

Ready to take the rewarding path toward earning your degree online?


These are the qualifications for our online Master of Public Health degree

The Master of Public Health online program has specific requirements that applicants must meet to enroll. Please read the admission guidelines to ensure you qualify.

Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Minimum 2.5 Undergraduate GPA
  • No GRE Required

  • Submit your application and one-time $25 application fee online
  • A bachelor's degree from an accredited university is required
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.5 overall or a 2.75 GPA in the last 60 hours of your undergraduate degree program
  • Candidates must satisfy the necessary undergraduate prerequisites as prescribed for a particular area of specialization. All students desiring entrance to the Master programs will receive a review of their prior coursework. In some instances, leveling course work may be required before full admittance to the program of study is granted. Leveling courses may be required if undergraduate course transcripts do not provide sufficient evidence for successful mastery of cognitive and/or practical applied skills and abilities as related to the program of study.
  • No GRE is required for Master of Public Health admissions

Send all required documents to:

Lamar University Online Admissions
PO Box 10017
Beaumont, TX 77710


Submit electronically to [email protected]

*All applicants must submit official transcript(s) indicating: 1) The conferred bachelor's or master's degree as required for the program of application from a regionally accredited US institution or its equivalent. 2) The transcript of the most recent attendance if it differs from the institution of the conferred degree. This requirement applies regardless of the length of time in attendance and regardless of whether credit was earned or is desired. However, if a department or program wishes to review additional transcripts from prior attendance for decision purposes, the department or program may directly request the applicant to submit the official transcript(s) to the Office of Admissions for processing. Students must be eligible to re-enter all colleges and universities previously attended. Failure to disclose previous college attendance is justification for revocation of acceptance and dismissal from Lamar University.

Send transcripts to: Lamar University Online Admissions, P.O. Box 10017, Beaumont, Texas 77710

Check to see if the program is offered to residents in your state before applying by clicking here.

Stacey Knight

I wanted to be an educator since I was a young girl; being able to combine nursing experience with being an educator is wonderful.

Stacey Knight, Lamar University Faculty

View Stacey Knight's profile »
Ruthie Robinson

I really enjoy helping nurses get higher degrees and seeing the changes it makes in them. Everything we do to improve ourselves as nurses helps improve the quality of care we can provide our patients.

Ruthie Robinson, Lamar University Faculty

View Ruthie Robinson's profile »
Troy Palmer

Capitalize on your strengths, but exercise at least as much diligence improving on your weaknesses.

Troy J. Palmer, Lamar University Faculty

View Troy J. Palmer's profile »


A look at the Master of Public Health online curriculum

The online MPH consists of 42 credit hours, 27 of which are core courses. This program also includes a Capstone course (6 hours), and 9 hours of electives. MPH Coursework includes:

  1. An understanding of program development and implementation, including data collection methods, decision-making, and problem-solving techniques.
  2. An exploration of the challenges to health—including a scientific understanding of causes of, and possible approaches to control, major environmental health problems.
  3. You will learn procedures for program administration and interpreting public health programs for individuals and groups from a diverse perspective.

For students without a bachelor’s degree in a health-related field, four leveling courses may be required.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Designed to increase student awareness of fitness, health concepts and lifestyle modification. The class includes laboratories and practical activities, which help students in their attempt to improve their quality of life and achieve well being.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is designed to provide students with foundational knowledge of public health and related issues. The course gives an emphasis on key historical moments and developments, public health organizations and systems, theoretical foundations of public health, its practical applications, role of public health within society, disparities in health status, determinants of health, cultural competency, infectious and chronic disease prevention, as well as challenges and achievements. Topics on ethics, professional responsibilities and competencies, analytical tools utilized to assess public health problems in communities, applications of health education and promotion theories to developing interventions for improving community health are also examined.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This covers application of epidemiologic methods and procedures to the study of the distribution and determinants of health and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability and mortality in the population. The course treats emidemiology as a basic science of preventive medicine as well as examines the basic concepts, methods and findings of epidemioloy, and sets forth a historical framework of epidemiology's evolution as a tool to elucidate health problems in society. Prerequistes: none
Duration: 15 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
An examination of communication exchange between individuals from different cultures.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course meets the biostatistics core course requirement for all degrees and concentrations in the Public Health Program. Presentation of the principles and methods of data description and elementary parametric and non-parametric statistical analysis as well as sample size estimation are covered.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Statistics is a field of study concerning with (1) the collection, organization, analysis of numerical data; (2) the drawing of inferences about a body of data when only a part of the data is observed. This course provides lectures, discussion, and applied exercises using current statistical software designed to acquaint the student with the basic concepts of statistics and their applications and interpretation.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Study of appropriate procedures for objective program assessment, development, planning, and implementing of health community organization and behavior theory promotion programs for individuals, groups, and communities from a multicultural, diverse, and demographic perspective. Skill development and practical application in assessing needs, designing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and delivering effective health education programs, resources, and services in different settings.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The course explored essential and contemporary environmental and occupational challenges to human health. Specifically, it examines health issues, scientific understanding of causes, and possible future approaches to control of the major environmental health problems in low and high income countries.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Study of appropriate procedures for objective program administration, conducting, monitoring, coordinating, delivering, managing, and interpreting health promotion programs for individuals, groups, and communities from a multicultural, diverse, and demographic perspective. Skill development and practical application in decision-making, group processes, service, communications, critiquing, and serving as a leader in health promotion.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is designed to familiarize students with the health sciences related to health education and promotion, and to provide experiences in the use of the literature related to the health sciences. The philosophy, historical development, and purposes for health promotion are investigated. Emphasizes social and behavioral science theories, models, and concepts that can be applied to public health problems and interventions.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Basic concepts and principles of program development and implementation including data collection methods, decision making, and problem-solving techniques. Application of program development techniques to specific interventions. With particular emphasis on Health Disparities and appropriate populations. Provides students with the knowledge, competencies, and skills to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion-disease prevention programs for a defined population at risk.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Study of the appropriate quantitative and qualitative evidence based research methods and relevant statistical technology used in community health promotion. Skill development and practical application in the ability to use decipher and use appropriate, valid, and reliable measures regarding current and future health education methods, and research.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course explores geographical, socio-cultural, political, biological, and economic influences on population disparities in health and well-being. Disease burden, health care, key players in health, role of multinational corporations, culture, environment, and other complex factors that contribute to poor community health status in the U.S. and internationally will be examined. Strategies for health improvement among various population segments will be explored.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course will explore current events and issues in health education theory, research, practice, and delivery. It will also provide students with skill development and practical application in interpreting concepts, critical analysis, communication and the ability to serve as a resource person in health promotion.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Examines elements needed to design and implement an effective safety and health program in workplaces. Assessment, planning, implementing and evaluation of health promotion programs in workplace settings will be emphasized. Topics covered include stress management techniques, culturally appropriate communication skills, organizational culture and influence on health, influence of culture on individual health and wellness, and physical activity and proper nutrition.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Health Literacy of Diverse populations: Challenges and Intervention Strategies In this course students will be introduced to the topic of health literacy. Approaches to the assessment of fundamental health literacy skills associated to health outcomes, techniques and approaches for the assessment and creation of print material appropriate for low literate audiences will be discussed. Various health communication challenges associated with health professionals, health care providers and clients or patients are covered. Steps that health professionals and health care providers should take to improve communication with clients or the public regarding health related issues will be discussed.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
This course engages students in the development of a research proposal and a seminar that requires students to focus on an area of interest in health promotion; define a problem; review the literature on this subject, include appropriate theoretical and conceptual frameworks; detail the methodology for data collection and analysis; collect the data; indicate the findings; and discuss implications and potential solutions for future practice or research.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
This course engages students in the development of a research proposal and a seminar that requires students to focus on an area of interest in health promotion; define a problem; review the literature on this subject, include appropriate theoretical and conceptual frameworks; detail the methodology for data collection and analysis; collect the data; indicate the findings; and discuss implications and potential solutions for future practice or research.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
This course engages students in the development of a research proposal and a seminar that requires students to focus on an area of interest in health promotion; define a problem; review the literature on this subject, include appropriate theoretical and conceptual frameworks; detail the methodology for data collection and analysis; collect the data; indicate the findings; and discuss implications and potential solutions for future practice or research.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The goal of the capstone is to provide students with the opportunity to apply public health academic theory and acquired skills from their concentration to community-based research and service in a practice setting.

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