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How to Engage in Conflict Resolution

No matter where you work, there will always be the potential for conflict between employees. Whether it’s a personal disagreement or a schism over how something should be handled in the business, it falls to management to mediate and help resolve conflicts.

Having a working knowledge of proper workplace management is essential to keep the organization running smoothly. The inevitable conflicts that arise will need to be addressed quickly and effectively. Earning a BBA in Management online can give you the tools needed to successfully manage a team and navigate through personal conflicts between employees.

The Importance of Conflict Resolution

A manager might be tempted to avoid intervening in a workplace dispute rather than confront it head-on. As Glenn Llopis writes for Forbes, “Many leaders would rather avoid tension to create the appearance of harmony. What they don’t realize is that by avoiding tension altogether they are unknowingly creating silos and internal disruption among employees.

The longer a conflict goes unresolved, the greater the impact it will have on the surrounding work environment. Llopis goes on to say, “Unfortunately, in their attempts to keep the peace at work, leaders often create artificial, untrustworthy environments.” Although facing a workplace dispute can be nerve-wracking, the consequences of doing nothing are far worse. As Llopis says, “A leader must be expected to neutralize or minimize conflict, not allow it to grow and run rampant.”

Conflict Resolution Tools

There are some basic, universal tools that can make resolving a conflict a much smoother experience than it otherwise would be. Susan M. Heathfield writes for The Balance: “Meet with the antagonists together. Let each briefly summarize their point of view, without comment or interruption by the other party.” This kind of meeting will provide each party with an opportunity to explain their side clearly.

Heathfield also writes, “Ask each participant to describe specific actions they’d like to see the other party take that would resolve the differences.” During the initial meeting, it is necessary for each party to leave with a clear plan on how they can resolve the situation themselves. As Heathfield writes, “Assure both parties that you have every faith in their ability to resolve their differences.”

Tracking the progress of the resolution is an important final step in the mediation process. As Mitchell Holt writes for, “Log the conflict — both sides of the story — and resolution into a document. Print out a copy for each party to the conflict and have them sign a master copy to verify the information is correct.” This will ensure that everybody is on the same page, and if the conflict arises again, it will be easy to take a step back and reflect on what was decided on in the initial meeting.

Effective Conflict Resolution

Being a successful manager means being a successful mediator. Conflict will arise regularly in most work environments, and dealing with it properly can be the difference between an efficient work environment and a hostile work environment. Holt writes, “As a manager, it is your job to communicate effectively, respect employees, recognize office tension and understand the importance of everyone in the office.

Earning an online BBA in Management is a great way to learn the tools to manage a number of situations, including conflict resolution.

Learn more about Lamar University’s online BBA in Management program.


Forbes: 4 Ways Leaders Effectively Manage Employee Conflict

The Balance: Workplace Conflict Resolution

Chron: How Managers Can Handle Conflict in the Workplace


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