Why Creativity Matters in Teaching | Lamar University Online
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Why Creativity Matters in Teaching

Importance & Value of Creativity in Instructional Methods

There are typically two types of teachers that students remember across the courses of their educational careers: the monotonous, bland teacher who simply lectures with little to no classroom originality or the imaginative and engaging teacher usually remembered for a positive and unforgettable learning experience.

Creativity is a critical characteristic that students, parents and districts desire in their educators. An innovative educator is someone who provides a memorable and effective learning experience for his or her students.

The idea behind instruction is that the students comprehend and retain the material the teacher presents. The students then expand upon prior knowledge each year based on retention from earlier classes. An uninteresting and unengaging lesson will typically result in poor rates of recall, which can damage overall instruction.

Teachers who earn a master’s degree in teacher leadership receive the opportunity to study a variety of methods to engage students in the classroom. As classrooms increasingly integrate technology into instruction, the need for creative instruction becomes critical in order to best merge instruction and interaction. A teacher who studies this merge can create a learning environment that is conducive to students diverse classroom needs.

Keeping Learning Interesting and Fun for Students

Creative instruction is critical in today’s classrooms. Students require more in order to become and remain engaged in lessons. Therefore, educators should adapt to and accommodate these necessary adjustments.

Sensory stimulation, social interaction time and breaks from lectures are all effective strategies that teachers can explore while earning a master’s degree in teacher leadership. For example, teachers can involve manipulatives in the classroom, they can integrate technology or they can explore other engaging tools that do not include the monotonous “pen and paper” method of academic delivery. If the material interests the students, and if they are having a fun learning experience, then the chances for material retention could increase.

In a graduate degree program, teachers can study an array of methods to foster a creative instructional environment and make the learning process both exciting and fascinating. Inspired teacher leaders typically have long-lasting effects on their students, and they prove both dedicated and unique among other educators.

“Creative Instructional Strategies” Course in the Online Program

Most, if not all, educators encounter students during the courses of their teaching careers who prove to be exceptional. These students may require more creativity from their instructors than others due to advanced academic ability. Earning a master’s degree in teacher leadership can help teachers challenge their gifted students and bring them to their full academic potential.

Learn more about the Lamar University online M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership program.


“A Teacher’s Guide to Differentiating Instruction.” The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement. Retrieved from: Education.com

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