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Digital Learning Leaders Are Needed Across the Nation

Classrooms across the country have been changing dramatically in the last decade. More computers, more devices and more interaction have led to a digital learning revolution. Students today are considered the most connected generation of students in history. It can be difficult for teachers and administrators keep up. Teacher leaders with additional training can help create better learning environments and train others in the use of technology in the classroom. By utilizing educators as technology facilitators throughout their school, administrators can create a better experience for both students and staff that will in turn create stronger educational outcomes.

The most Connected Students in History

According to Citrix Systems analysis, over 90 percent of higher education leaders believed that students should be able to remotely access information, data and software they need on any device and at any time. Secondary education seems to be following in a similar direction. By offering students this type of access, schools can be very progressive in implementing technology in the classroom. New technology can lead to new problems arising. Many educational professionals who were part of the study reported that although they would like to provide specific services, over half of them faced some obstacle to doing so. For districts looking to develop a new and innovative learning environment, hiring professionals with a strong technology background and education is the key to success.

Creating Learning Environments That Are Future Oriented

Classrooms that integrate technology correctly prepare students for the changing demands they will face in the workplace. Programs such as Future Ready assist school districts in developing their technological and digital learning plans. In addition, these programs work to develop solutions that will bring better broadband access to schools that are currently not receiving the proper speeds. Nonprofits also help school systems that want to introduce programs that allow students to bring their own devices into the learning ecosystem. This creates an opportunity for students to utilize devices they already own or are familiar with to further their educational goals.

As classrooms are changing across the nation, student populations are embracing new technology. Digital learning initiatives are being pushed by external forces and school systems alike. With these changes occurring, schools need to bring in leadership with strong backgrounds in information technology. Education programs that implement both educational leadership and technology integration can create professionals that are well-suited for the needs of today’s education institutions.

Learn more about the Lamar University online M.Ed. in Digital Learning and Leading program.


Future Ready Schools

EdTech: Focus on Higher Education: Millennials Are Shaping the Mobile Workspace of the Future [#Infographic]

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