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Why Choose an Accredited RN to BSN Program?

The number of nursing schools offering RN to BSN programs can make choosing a nursing program a challenge. The best way to narrow down your search is to make sure you choose an accredited program. Accreditation is not a requirement. Universities and nursing programs voluntarily choose to undertake this rigorous review and additional level of oversight. Therefore, when you choose an accredited nursing school you can be confident that it has clear educational objectives and is committed to excellence in its nursing program.

What Does It Mean for a Nursing Program to Be Accredited?

Accreditation can focus on a specific nursing program or on the university as a whole. The nursing program must pass an extensive peer-review and self-regulatory process with oversight by the accrediting body in order to receive accreditation. The accrediting body evaluates nursing programs to ensure that they meet or exceed specific standards and criteria for educational quality. An online nursing program is held to the same standards as a brick-and-mortar school.

The nursing program must demonstrate that it is fulfilling its mission and philosophy. Standards of quality and excellence in patient care must be met to receive accreditation. The accrediting body assesses and reviews a number of criteria, including:

  • Faculty, curricula and student support.
  • School finances.
  • Placement of graduates.
  • Compliance with current nursing standards.
  • Training provided for faculty to teach online.
  • Virtual interaction of students and faculty.

Benefits of Earning a Degree Through an Accredited Program

When you choose an accredited school you can be sure it has met, and will maintain, high standards. Once the school receives accreditation, the nursing program must continually self-assess and strive for excellence to maintain the accreditation. The periodic evaluation and program review ensure that the education students receive complies with current, relevant nursing practice standards. A commitment to ongoing improvement and growth displays the school’s responsibility to its students. It helps graduates to be adequately prepared for future positions in varied healthcare environments.

A review of the school’s website should indicate if they are accredited. Lamar University’s list of accreditations highlights its commitment to the success of its students. The list includes approval from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), formerly known as the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). The ACEN is a reliable authority that accredits nursing programs at all levels. As the oldest nursing education accreditor, the ACEN is a leader in nursing education accreditation.

The Importance of Accreditation

When you apply for a job, transfer to another university, or return to school to advance your degree, it is usually necessary to list the name of the nursing school you attended. Many employers will ask specifically if the school is accredited.

If the school is not accredited, you could face several restrictions in career mobility.

  • Pursuing an advanced nursing degree often requires a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Many states require accreditation as a prerequisite for licensure. Therefore, graduating from a non-accredited school could result in being restricted to working in the state in which the nurse graduated.
  • If the school is not accredited, it may not be possible to transfer credits to another university.
  • Eligibility for federal and state funding, or financial aid, often requires that the school be accredited.

A Focus on Quality and Success

Accreditation is one of the ways a nursing school can show a commitment to providing a program that focuses on quality and your success. Ensuring the RN to BSN program you choose is accredited may only be one step in choosing a school, but it should be the most important one for the advancement of your nursing career.

Learn more about the Lamar University online RN to BSN program.


U.S. News & World Report: 4 Things to Know About Accreditation in Online Nursing Programs

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing: Mission, Purpose and Goals

Newsweek: Moving Ahead With Your Nursing Education: Why Accreditation Matters

Johnson & Johnson: Nursing School Accreditation

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