Individuals and organizations worldwide recognize the importance of AACSB accreditation, which requires qualifying business schools to “pursue excellence and continuous improvement” ( Schools offering business and accounting programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels are all eligible for AACSB accreditation. Whether you are looking to work in the United States or abroad, earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from an AACSB-accredited college will ensure that employers take you seriously.
What Is AACSB Accreditation?
There are multiple types of accreditation. Basic institutional accreditation evaluates a university from its operating budget to its student services. Institutional accreditation gives universities the right to provide recognizable degrees to students within the country in which the university operates. Every country has its own non-government system for determining accreditation; universities can earn multiple specialized accreditations once they have earned their national accreditation, including AACSB accreditation. AACSB accreditation, granted by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, is a specialized accreditation in business that certifies that the university’s college of business has met certain criteria that make its graduates more appealing to employers: “AACSB-accredited schools have the highest quality faculty, relevant and challenging curriculum, and provide educational and career opportunities that are not found at other business schools” (
Online MBA Program
There are multiple reasons individuals pursue MBA degrees; the most common is to secure a promotion or increase salary. To achieve these goals and maximize their benefits, students researching online MBA programs should ensure the schools to which they apply all carry the necessary accreditations, including AACSB accreditation. By earning a degree from a specially accredited school, you demonstrate to future employers that you have the knowledge they need to promote excellence in the workplace.
Learn more about the Lamar University online MBA programs.