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How to Give Impactful Presentations


Great Leader = Expert Communicator

In the Graduate Management Admission Council’s 2017 report, employers were asked which skills they require of business school grads for mid-level positions. Of the five top-ranked skills, four pertain to communications: oral communication, written communication, listening and presentation skills.

Motivational business speaker George Torok says, “The primary goal is for your presentation skills to be better than your competition… The second goal is for your presentations to get better every time you speak.”

Torok says career growth depends on your ability to communicate ideas. Business leaders are expected to speak with clients, investors, staff and the public with confidence and clarity in order to prevent miscommunication. He boils the need for strong presentation skills down to one simple message:

“Every leader needs to be able to stand up and deliver a clear and inspiring message. The team and followers will often judge the leader and the cause on the presentation skills of that spokesperson. Often the best presenter leads.”

Lamar University’s online MBA in Management requires all students to take the core course MGMT 5340 International Business. In this course, students have opportunities to hone their communication skills. They gain listening skills that enable them to affirm and critique others’ ideas, as well as techniques to evaluate, summarize and present their own.

Find Success Through Speaking

Management Study Guide says it’s impossible for MBA students to escape presentations, and one of the easiest ways to separate yourself from the crowd is to excel at public speaking. MSG recommends being patient as you develop skills. Watch and listen to others whose abilities are stronger than yours and learn from them.

“To carve a niche in today’s competitive world, one has to be an exceptionally good communicator,” reports MSG. “Impressive communication skills coupled with your MBA will definitely take you to the pinnacle of success. Always remember confidence, clarity in thoughts, practice, good listening as well as reading skills are the main ingredients of good communication skills.”

Solidify your role in the business world as a top-notch speaker. Apply today to Lamar University’s online MBA in Management and become a leader everyone listens to.

Learn more about Lamar University’s online MBA in Management program.


GMAC: 2017 Corporate Recruiters Survey Report

LinkedIn: Why Are Presentation Skills Important?

MSG: Tips for Students and MBA Aspirants to Improve Communication

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