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Improve Job Prospects by Earning a Bachelor’s Degree

Better Employment and Salary Prospects

People with a bachelor’s degree have much brighter job prospects than those who lack it. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data show that unemployment decreases as the level of education increases. While 2017 data shows a 2.5 percent unemployment rate for those with bachelor’s degrees, the rate rises to 3.4 percent for those with an associate degree. The unemployment rate is even higher (4.0 percent) for people with some college but no degree. At 4.6 percent, the unemployment rate for high school graduates is nearly twice that for bachelor’s degree holders.

A bachelor’s degree not only increases one’s chances of employment, it also increases one’s salary potential. BLS data shows that those aged 25 and older who had bachelor’s degrees made a median weekly salary of $1,173 in 2017. High school diploma holders made just $712 weekly. Those with some college earned $774 per week, and those with associate degrees made $836.

Flexibility to Move Up or Branch Out

The economic picture clearly shows that your job options are better with a bachelor’s degree. In addition, a BA in liberal arts, like the Bachelor of General Studies (BGS), will provide you with two of the skills business leaders seek: creative thinking and communication skills.

A survey of chief executive officers (CEOs) found that an overwhelming majority — nearly 75 percent — consider these skills vital to success on the job front. Those who have received a liberal arts education learn how to apply critical thinking to a broad base of knowledge.

Chief executive officers are vocal about the need for these skills. “I find people who have a liberal arts background have a broader view of the world,” said one, “and will go farther in business.”

A Bachelor’s Degree Online Provides Flexibility for Your Lifestyle and Goals

A bachelor’s degree online can also give you the flexibility you need to work full time. You can do your coursework at a convenient time for you, rather than having to be in a certain place at a certain time.

In addition, you can take courses that will help you advance from your current job. For example, if you are currently working as an administrative secretary but have a flair for writing social media posts, you can widen your range of job options with a bachelor’s degree. You can take courses in social media writing and web design while pursuing a bachelor’s degree online. The resulting degree will qualify you for a job as a web writer or a social media specialist. The skills and knowledge you acquire with a BA can open up more job opportunities for you at your company, in your industry and beyond.


CNBC: Why Businesses Prefer a Liberal Arts Education

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