The Importance of Education in the Economy - LU Article
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Importance of Education and Its Impact on the Economy

“Quality, not quantity.” When it comes to education, that phrase is especially relevant. A teacher can provide a student with a short lesson and many practice opportunities following the lesson. However, the student who receives an in-depth and quality lesson is more likely to comprehend the lesson and apply the concept in the future. Our education system directly affects the success and global standing of our economy.

The U.S. education system ranking could advance with the improvement of education and the desired learning outcomes of students. With the investment of financial and intellectual resources, we could teach our students concepts that are more complex and applicable to real-life and career situations. We could place our country in a more desirable position in the competitive educational world. The more emphasis that we have on education, the more positive economic outcomes we will experience.

U.S. Education Needs Improvement

Our young students watch television and movies and marvel at super heroes. Truthfully, educators are the real-life super heroes of this nation. Our duties are vital to the academic and economic success of our country. Educators are directly responsible for comprising these creative and successful learning environments for students so that they can lead and succeed in the future. Presently, the U.S. education system lacks some of the modern skills and curricula necessary to compete in today’s global economy.

Online master’s programs in education provide the opportunity for progressive and devoted educators to seek and obtain the knowledge that is necessary for implementing new and advanced academics within the classroom. An education graduate program can help teachers use their teaching knowledge to establish new learning styles and desired learning outcomes. The U.S. requires continuing education for our teachers to prepare them to sculpt the minds of students, utilizing advanced knowledge that could be obtained in an online master’s program in education. The instruction that we administer should evoke higher-level thinking and reasoning so that we develop pioneers and leaders of the future. Our economic development literally depends on the work of our real-life super heroes, our educators.

Teacher Leaders Can Help Implement Change

The fate of the U.S. education system ranking, in comparison to other nations, is a severe and heavy responsibility. Teaching is a profession that requires an incredible amount of time and emotional involvement. The presence of teacher leaders is imperative to the success of educating students to become active agents in our prospering economy. Because time is a precious resource for teachers, online master’s programs in education may allow flexibility for educators who desire a leadership role. Leaders in education can assist in the implementation of advanced concepts such as “making sure that individuals acquire a solid foundation of knowledge in key disciplines, that they develop creative, critical thinking and collaborative skills, and that they build character attributes, such as mindfulness, curiosity, courage and resilience” (Schleicher, 2015). Every successful group thrives from the effectiveness and expertise of a leader. Without our leaders in education, who seek and obtain graduate level knowledge, the U.S. economy may stagnate in the global education competition. It is imperative that we as educators do not simply teach children what we know, but rather guide them to become individuals who are better than our current selves.

Learn about the Lamar University online graduate education programs.


Schleicher, A. (2015). Global Perspectives On Education and Skills.

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